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Unlocking ROI - Digital Permitting

Written by Staff | 4-Jul-2024 4:13:59 PM

Municipalities across North America face significant challenges in managing road permits using traditional methods. Inefficiencies in these outdated processes strain resources and delay critical services. By modernizing and leveraging best-in-class platforms like Permit Central, municipalities can achieve remarkable improvements in efficiency and return on investment (ROI). Read on as we explore the tangible benefits of digital permitting.

The Inefficiencies of Traditional Permit Processes

Many municipalities manually process road permits every year. Staff are bogged down with photocopying, faxing, processing, filing, and emailing updates. This outdated system consumes valuable time and resources, leading to delays and errors. Imagine the potential for eliminating these inefficiencies.

The Power of Digital Permitting Solutions

Digital permitting platforms are designed to streamline the entire permitting process and deliver tangible financial benefits:

  1. Increased Efficiency: Digital permitting automates routine tasks, freeing staff to focus on strategic issues. Automation handles recurring permit approvals and minor updates effortlessly, integrating digital payment services for a seamless application experience. The efficiency gains are remarkable—municipalities can expect to reduce processing time by up to 80%. This means faster approvals, fewer errors, and happier staff and applicants.
  2. Leveraging Best Practices: Navigating the diverse requirements of multiple jurisdictions is a common headache for permit applicants. Best-in-class digital solutions simplify this by adopting standardized application forms, making cross-jurisdictional applications smooth and efficient. This standardization speeds up the process and ensures compliance with various local regulations, enhancing overall operational efficiency.
  3. Improved Applicant Experience: A digital-first approach benefits both road authorities and applicants. All-in-one digital portals eliminate the need for repetitive paperwork and offer clear visibility into permit statuses. For larger organizations, managing multiple permits becomes straightforward. The enhanced transparency and reduced administrative burden lead to significant time savings and improved applicant satisfaction.
  4. Mapped Experience: Digital permitting, like our Permit Central, integrates geospatial information, relating permits to specific locations or routes. This clarity helps identify potential conflicts like road closures or construction, streamlining the application process by preempting issues. This proactive approach prevents delays and enhances public safety and operational efficiency.

The ROI of Digital Permitting

Adopting a digital permitting solution can lead to substantial cost savings and efficiency gains. Here’s what municipalities can expect:

  • Paper-Based/Manual Processes: Savings of up to 50-80%
  • Web Forms/Web CMS Solutions: Savings of up to 25-50%
  • ECM Solutions: Savings of up to 25-50%

These savings translate into real-world benefits, allowing municipalities to reallocate resources to other critical projects. Imagine reducing the time spent on permit processing by up to 80%—staff can then focus on infrastructure improvements, community services, and other vital initiatives. The financial benefits are clear, but the value lies in the enhanced capacity to serve the community better.

A Motivated Approach to Making a Difference

Municipalities striving for efficiency and improved service delivery should consider the immense benefits of modern digital permitting solutions. Municipalities can create a more efficient, responsive, and effective public service by addressing these critical challenges with best-in-class platforms.

If you want to transform your road permitting process, explore the possibilities of digital solutions like Permit Central. Together, we can unlock digital permitting's full potential, delivering significant ROI and making a meaningful difference in our communities. Contact us today to get started.