Presented by: ITS Canada
Winning Entry: Queue and Stopped Vehicle Advisory System (QSVAS) for HWY 405
The Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Canada community selected the QSVAS project as the winner for the 2022 Mobility Award for Smart Mobility Connected Infrastructure. This Canadian-developed solution offers drivers real-time queue and stopped vehicle warnings on HWY 405 at the important Canada-USA border crossing in Niagara Region.
This project exemplifies Transnomis’ commitment to helping communities manage traffic issues and share critical road information while pushing the boundaries of innovation in the global Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) industry.
The Project
The innovative QSVAS, the first of its kind in road information management and traffic management in Canada, consists of 35 smartmicro sensors placed every 200 meters along the 405 EB lanes. It plays a pivotal role at this major international border crossing which features two passenger lanes, one truck lane, and one express truck lane.
The Impact
The system tackles the safety issue of slow-moving traffic and long vehicle queues, which often result from high demand at the Queenston-Lewiston border crossing bridge.
Partnering with Black & McDonald, the autonomous warning system employs advanced vehicle detection technology to monitor queues and stationary vehicles over an 8-km stretch approaching the Canada-USA border.
Following a successful six-month trial, the system detected hundreds of stationary and queued vehicles , facilitating continual improvements.
The Team
The award celebrates a collaborative achievement by several contributors. Transnomis designed and executed the software and automation control systems. Black & McDonald oversaw field implementation and operation. Lea Consulting provided design services, Global Network Integrators managed network integration, and smartmicro supplied the sensors. The Ministry of Transportation (MTO) helmed the project.
About ITS Canada
ITS Canada is a professional non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of ITS applications and mobility technologies. Their awards honor the most significant contributions and advancements in Canada's ITS industry.
The QSVAS project, developed by Transnomis in collaboration with industry leaders, has been honoured with the 2022 Mobility Award for Smart Mobility Connected Infrastructure. This innovative project showcases the integration of intelligent transportation systems, road information management, and traffic management solutions. It sets a new benchmark for the industry while exemplifying Transnomis' dedication to innovation in the global ITS field.